Purpose definition: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
I wish I could X, then God...
If I could only Y, then God...
After I find or go through Z, then God...
Psalms 46:10, be still and know that I am God.
I continually remind myself what God wants from me. My initial response needs to be the same...he wants me. More important than any purpose that requires effort or determination to achieve, my first purpose is to acknowledge and rest in the knowledge that I have been reconciled to God through Jesus. Thereby, a child of God. I am part of His family. If that is all I ever become in this life, it is more than enough.
Yes, I desire many things. I desire spiritual gifts. I desire to know God more. I desire to be used for His glory. I desire to be a faithful servant to the King and His kingdom. In all of these desires, it is important not to lose sight of who I am...I am God's child. I am part of His family.
If not careful, it's possible to chase or pursue other purposes (tasks) God has for me. While not necessarily a bad thing, there is a risk of losing sight of being His child first and not taking time to be still and know He is God, to fall into a place of trying and doing...sometimes in my own strength.
Be still and know that I am God is better stated as surrender yourself in order that you may know that I am God… your refuge; your strength; your present help in trouble; your comforter and King in uncertain times; your security; your center; your steadfast ruler; the commander of the universe; the Lord of Hosts; the God of Jacob; the Victorious One; the One before whom every knee shall bow, on earth and in Heaven.
When was the last time you sat quietly, became still....and not think of any other thing God wants from you other than being His child?