There will be persecution

 Lord, help me. Have mercy on us. Forgive us. Restore us and create in us a clean heart.

Grace and peace to you. My thought today is not to invoke an ungodly fear in you. If anything, may it invoke the fear of God in you to sober up and take a hard look at what is happening around us. In sharing with my dad for the past year, I have been telling him that there is a judgement coming. Not knowing what it looked like or how it would happen, it has been something that moves me to pray for the nation, my state, neighborhood, job location, etc. 

An underground church in Iran has released a video that God showed them that persecution was coming to America, similar to what they experience. They released it after the speech Biden gave condemning those He labels as M A G A. Their warning should be a wake up call to those who sit in church and give thanks, or not, that they don't face that kind of persecution. Should this all come to pass, American Christians are going to have a wake up call. I pray their roots have grown deep with the Lord. I fear for those who will fall away because they have lost or never got their keys to the kingdom. In other words, they either don't have any keys (authority) or they have never used it. When the trials come, they could become a victim rather than a victor. If it is not clear, take heed. It is time to stop playing church. It is time to stop giving lip service to God. In real times of persecution, many will fall away from the faith. We really need to examine our heart. We need to ask Holy Spirit to examine out heart. We should be willing to allow a brother or sister to help us take inventory of ourselves and to rid ourselves of things that defile us. Big or small, it doesn't matter.

This is not a light or fun message. It is not a message to condemn. I pray and hope it is received as a wake up call. Persecution may not happen today, tomorrow, or next month. Nonetheless, I believe it is coming. Judgement has already started. Don't be too surprised when the statements from the president today, who says the problems are due to m a g a, changes to... The problems are due to Christians. 

These days are much like the days of Noah. People doing what they want not giving a care about God or others. Their thoughts were evil continually. Our culture is steeped in pagan practice, embraces unholy living. The major topics of our culture today are in opposition to God. 

This is not all doom and gloom as believers. There are 2 things we can do that can influence the days ahead. First, get real with God. Even I will get on my face and seek God. I am in need of God's grace and mercy each and every day. In right relationship with God, there is no need to fear what man can and will do as we move closer to the end of days and Jesus triumphant return. In right relationship, we have keys (authority) in Jesus. The second thing we need to do is pray. We need to pray earnestly. We need to intercede, stand in the gap, and pray for this country, it's leaders, it's people. 

Many will perish. May our hearts be broken for the lost. May we care about and be willing to reach out to those who will perish if they do not repent and put their trust in Jesus. If perish does not phase us, maybe words like eternal, never ending torment in a lake of fire, wailing that never ceases, gnashing of teeth (utter anger and disgust towards God). Eternal destruction is no joke. A righteous judge will judge us all. Who is your advocate? How sure are you? 

A persecution will come that will scare many. Are we really ready to lose our life in order that we might find it. The things of this world are not worth losing my soul. I hope the same is for you.

 Now, it is time to pray...
