21 Questions - 14. Why are we here? Why did God create us?

Over the years, I find my response has changed because of perspective. While there are many that will claim they know why God created us, I still find this to be somewhat of a mystery. I doubt any person can truly comprehend there is an "eternal" (always existing) place where God has always been. In the realm where there are no boundaries of time or space, this God created this speck of a universe, of which has a tiny dot of a planet (earth), to which He put another microscopic dot in the form of a human on a planet.

Let's use the Bible and see if we can answer the first question, why are we here? Is it OK to ask a question before answering the question? The question is, when we consider the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, can we see what is written as a love story between God and His creation? If yes, it seems to make it easier to establish a response that is not too far fetched or improbable.

Why are we here and why did God create us seems to go hand-in-hand. Yet, God gave some pretty clear instruction to man that God was not going to do. God gave the task/assignment to his created man/woman.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
-- This appears as clear instruction. Make more people (image bearers), rule over the earth and exercise dominion of every living thing that moves on the earth.

Let's not dismiss God created human people in His own image. We are to be bearers of His name and His glory. We are to do the things He planned and enabled for us to accomplish. Some may not like this, but God created us to work!
Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
-- God was and is very capable of doing tasks like name everything. This was a task God gave to man (Adam).
Genesis 2:19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them.
-- God created man in His image. He gave man the creativity and ability to reason with regards to looking at a piece of God's creation and assigning a name to it.

I believe the answer to why we are here is in simplistic terms: work.

Why did God create us? This is one of those questions that different circles will have different convictions. Some may say to be His ecclesia. This is to be the church as a governing body to influence and rule over the earth. Some may say God was bored and didn't anything better to do with His time (of which there apparently is none in His realm). Figure that one out! lol

Personally, I believe God created us to be part of his family. I have come to appreciate the views of Michael Heiser, who made the statement, "God's business would be family business. Eden was not merely God's home; it was God's home office. we were created to be God's co-workers. God made sure the people he made could do the job of imaging him on earth".
He was also quoted as saying, “Imaging God also gives us purpose. We have a mission. Every person, no matter how small or weak or short-lived has some role to play in someone else’s life. Every task we set our mind to that honors God and our fellow imagers becomes a spiritual calling.”

I believe the simplistic answer to why God created us in simplistic words: we are created to be part of His divine family.
