21 Questions - 18. What are the main beliefs of the Christian faith?

I consider these the core tenants of the Christian faith

1. There is only 1 true God, Yahweh. He is an elohim and the Old Testament writers understood that Yahweh was an elohim but no other elohim was Yahweh. This makes God unique among the other gods or elohim in the spiritual realm. The name Yahweh is used in a way that God has an ongoing relationship with His people and all of humanity.

2. Jesus is called the Son of God. He left His position in heaven and came to the earth through a person (Mary) and lived among the people in human form.

3. Jesus was put to the on the cross and rose from the dead 3 days later and then ascended to heaven 40 days later.

4. After Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit came and brought knowledge and power of Jesus to the church.

5. There is eternal life after death

6. Jesus was come again and will bring a final judgement to all who have lived on the earth (dead and alive)

The above image really breaks it all down, to include the aspects of man being sinners, separated from God. Jesus came as a sacrifice to atone for sin once and for all (for every person). We are offered eternal life by accepting the free gift given to us by Jesus sacrifice on the cross. We are to repent, put our trust and faith in Jesus. When that happens, we are considered born again and the Holy Spirit comes to take up residency in our body. We live our lives in a way by turning away from the things of the world and live a life pleasing to God. Through obedience, a person will be baptized, partake in the Lord's supper. We are also able to receive healing when we are physically or mentally sick.
